Group Blog

  Hi everyone! Welcome or welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to introduce my group for the Final Project. For this project, we are producing a 2 minute film introduction. I am part of a small group for this project consisting of just two people. These two are my partner Sophia and I. We have known each other since the beginning of middle/ junior high school, and we have always worked well together. For this project specifically, I knew I wanted to work with her right away. We each bring such unique perspectives to the project. One great thing about Sophia is that she is very artistically gifted. Something that I can bring to this project is my technological skills. I am certified in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel, as well as personally acclaimed to be pretty tech smart. To begin the project, we will make a storyboard. Sophia and I can both give ideas, and then she will draw out the official storyboard. We will both work equally on filming, acting, and directing. When we finish filming all the necessary clips, I can edit the video and present it to Sophia, who hopefully, can give me some critiques and help me make the video better.  I think Sophia and I work so well together because we are both so hard working. We are also both very picky and perfectionists when it comes to schoolwork. We like to have very neat and perfect homework, projects, and any other assignments. Most of the time, this works highly in our favor! We are both very excited to start this project. I hope while reading this, you were able to learn a little about my partner and me. We look forward to continuing to give you updates throughout this final project. 

                                                                             Right brain/left brain, right? - Harvard Health


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