
Showing posts from December, 2021

CCR Blog

 Attached below is my CCR.

The Finished Product!

The music video  project  has finally  come to an end . I am  very excited  to present you  with  what my group and I have created .  This was  probabl y   the  most fun I  ha d  this year during a  project.  F i l m i n g   w a s   very interesting ,  esp e c i a lly  as  the group  w e n t  to  s om e   d ifferent p ublic  p laces. This includes the beach  a n d  Publi x .  There  were  quite a few people  staring and  looking into  the   camera.  The a cting   wa s   ve r y  f un   t o o  as  th e   group  got  t o   go  to  the beach  together,   behaving  as  n orm al .     There  are some things that still need  improvement , but it will get better with time.  I am excited to learn and grow with my group, ...

Final Touches

 The next day of editing, Ashley and I had each finished the editing she and I were assigned to. I sent my clips to Ashley's phone and she looked them over. She also sent me her clips for review. I collaborated with Ashley for the next part. I first added all of the footage collected into an editing software called iMovie. She and I both edited each of the clips into their respective order. Then as stated in the last update, she and I edited the raw footage to fit the time restrictions. Some clips had to be shortened, elongated, slowed down, or sped up. After this basic editing, the video was already looking great. All of the group members watched this version first, to make sure each member liked the way the video was going. All of the members agreed this looked great already. There were some small mistakes that Ashley and I were able to fix up quickly, and resume to more complex editing. This included an overlap in sound and a bit of sound delay. After this, Ashley and I sent it ...

Putting it all Together

 After wrapping up all of the filming, my group moved to the editing stage. Aspects of this process included aligning clips in the correct sequence as well as adding affects. Another part was ensuring the clips started and ended at the appropriate time. My group mate Ashley and I split the work and each individually edited small aspects separately. Most of the editing was done by Ashley. All of the group agreed that this was best, as Ashley and I are the most technologically talented. Sophia was not included in this process much, but she did a final review of Ashley and I's work to ensure it matched the vision she and I both had. Ashley was able to remove some people standing in the back of some shots, as it was not entirely possible to find an entirely deserted area at the beach. She then perfectly executed the sunset scene, in which the actors are dancing and the shot freezes to capture the moment. After this, she and I both edited the audio features. This includes minimizing bac...

It's a Wrap!

 On Saturday, December 4 my group and finished filming for the music video project. Once again, there were some scheduling issues between the group members. All of the group members, including myself, had scheduling restrictions due to jobs, after school activities, and volunteer work. All of the group agreed that Saturday was the best bet for filming this portion. Once again, due to timing issues the group had to film backwards, so I filmed the second half of the video on the first day of filming, and the first half of the video was on the second day of filming. This half of the video will be the group members getting ready at home, but then they realize they have no money, and instead go to Publix to buy cheap foods. I filmed the first portion, where they are getting ready, at my house, because both Ashley and Sophia know where I live, so all the members felt this would be the best place to film. The first challenge was figuring out what to wear for this first portion where the a...

Filming at the Beach at Sunset

 On the chilly Thursday night of December 2nd, my group and completed the first day of editing. To start, working out a schedule with my group was very difficult. I have volunteer activities on Monday and Wednesday, and I have work on Friday. My group mate Sophia has work on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. My other group mate Ashley has Lacrosse practice for her school team on Tuesday and work on Wednesday. With the restrictions of school included, I only had Thursday night and Saturday and Sunday morning. Since the beach portion of my video was surrounding the sunset and having the actors show as silhouettes, I had to film backwards. To get my filming done before I had to start production blogs, I had to film the sunset portion-which is the last half of the video- first, on Thursday. My group mates and I were all in agreement that the beach filming should come first. Part of this filming included theater the shoulder shot in the car of my group mate filming videos of the sunset out ...