It's a Wrap!
On Saturday, December 4 my group and finished filming for the music video project. Once again, there were some scheduling issues between the group members. All of the group members, including myself, had scheduling restrictions due to jobs, after school activities, and volunteer work. All of the group agreed that Saturday was the best bet for filming this portion. Once again, due to timing issues the group had to film backwards, so I filmed the second half of the video on the first day of filming, and the first half of the video was on the second day of filming. This half of the video will be the group members getting ready at home, but then they realize they have no money, and instead go to Publix to buy cheap foods. I filmed the first portion, where they are getting ready, at my house, because both Ashley and Sophia know where I live, so all the members felt this would be the best place to film. The first challenge was figuring out what to wear for this first portion where the actors have to dress fancy. None of the group members necessarily felt like they had fancy clothes, so my group mates and I agreed to wear black clothing, as it looks sleek. This could range from dresses to jeans, but all of my group mates and I agreed to wear a nice shirt and jeans. For this first part of the video where they are getting ready, they all try to achieve a more dramatic makeup look because they are getting ready to go out to a club. All of my group mates and I immediately removed this makeup as the look needed for the second part of filming was much more casual. It took a while to remove this makeup because I had put on so much! The next scene of filming is the scene where the actors go to Public to buy snacks. For this, the 'casual' costume all of the group had agreed on was a sweatshirt and sweatpants. I wore an extra large white hoodie for the more comfortable affect, gray sweatpants, and white and grey nike slides with socks. The next scene was driving in the car to Publix, this was simple and only took my group one take. Upon arrival at Publix, my group their way to the snacks aisle. A variety of potato chips, tortilla chips, and cookies were obtained, and cashed out. This scene was a bit awkward to film as people were watching me with the camera. Once the goods were obtained, my group was done filming for the project. This day was definitely easier than Thursday.
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