Production Blog: Recruitment of Actors
Before my partner and I began filming, I needed to find actors to participate in the film. My partner and I asked a few friends if they would be available on the days that had been planned to film certain scenes. The scheduled filming days were the 12th, 13th, 15th and 16th of March. The day in which the scenes most needed to have extra actors was the day that I was filming in the abandoned building. I needed actors to play the dead bodies that I would find. I had originally asked my friends Kayla and Ashley. They were mutual friends of me and my partner, Sophia. After establishing a villain, my partner and I decided that my friend Elena should play the villain. The role was very fitting to her style and a particular outfit I had seen her wear before. She is also a mutual friend of my partner and I. Later on, Kayla let me know that she could no longer film over the weekend of the 12th and 13th. Therefore, Sophia and I tried to move around the filming days. As I have mentioned in earlier blogs, my partner and I have very contrasting schedules. This made it very difficult to find dates that fit her and I, as well as the actors recruited. Unfortunately, the dates could not be moved around so I had to let Kayla go. This meant that I had to find a new actor. My partner and I were not comfortable asking people that she and I didn't know that well, because the filming would probably go on for a while and I didn't want it to be awkward for them or me. This made it quite difficult to find other people. I have asked my friend Taylor and Sophia's friend Cece to film, but am still awaiting a response. If they cannot film, as a backup plan, I could have my sister or some of my personal friends help me out.
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